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Privacy Policy

MplusFX privacy policy

We value your privacy and will protect personal information.Including informationYour finances are strictly. Therefore, it is important for you to understandOur procedures and methodsTo store and protect your personal information

How to collect personal information

1.1 When you register to the member area You have accepted the process of collecting your personal data and consent to the collection, organization, storage, correction (update, change), use, identification, blocking and transfer of your personal data to third parties. subject to the terms set forth in this Privacy Policy.

1.2 These personal information is necessary for registration of membership areas. Using the service and using dataIn the event of a dispute between you and the company

1.3 There may be additional personal information.To explore your needs and satisfaction through communication in live chat channels, calls or surveys in the areaMembers on the website. You have voluntarily consent to us.

1.4 We will use the information you inform during the conversation only.

Using personal information

2.1 We use your personal information to provide the most secure service.

2.2 Your personal information will be used to verify and identify and identify.Including registration of member areasOpening a trading account, opening activation code and password

In addition, providing your contact information also helps to better support our service development. And ready to receive additional services Features and new promotions that we will offer to you

Providing information to third parties

3.1 We do not disclose your personal information to third parties.Except in the case of this privacy agreement

3.2 We reserve the right to disclose personal information to third parties.Except in the event of a legal agreement or has been formally complaints by law enforcementFrom various government agencies

3.3 We may disclose your personal information to tax agencies or organizations that require this information to be consistent with anti-money laundering laws and financial terrorism or when necessary to protect our rights or assets. We may forward your personal information to the validation provider in the process you use our system to verify the identity and check the document. To transfer your data to third parties, we have confidentiality and information security. You are very good

3.4 To maintain the highest quality serviceWe may exchange your personal information with the partner. However, there is a limit on the exchange of only numbers.Your account only

3.5 If you want to knowWe can disclose information about the services of our partners for you.

Responsibility restrictions

4.1 This privacy agreement has a specific effect on our website.Without covering other websites, including websites that you use connection links from our websiteWe recommend you to check.Privacy policy of each website in the personal data transfer section

Cookie policy

5.1 We use cookies to make sure that our website works effectively and to support your trading activities best.

5.2 Cookies are small files that a website or its service providers transfer to your computer’s hard drive. via web browser (if you allow) so that the system operator can recognize your browser

5.3 We use cookies to help remember.Processing itemsCollect information, visit your website and interact.To understand and develop our services better To give you more quality of experience and tools

5.4 We may use external organizations to help manage websites.Collect and analyze statistical dataThese external organizations may have different privacy policies.Which we cannot control the use of information received from the use of those cookies on our website

Starting and adding privacy agreements

6.1 When you register to the member areaYou have agreed and accept all the requirements in the privacy agreement.Communication between you and MplusFX will start as soon asYou receive a confirmation email on the website.We may send information about new changes and services via email or you may send questions or advice to us. These data are not considered confidential.

6.2 Accepting the terms of this privacy agreementYou allow us to use the information received via email, including strategic ideas, marketing plans and knowledge without any binding effect. Except your identifiable information

6.3 We may check, store and delete contact letters from you at our discretion.

6.4 We may analyze your message to evaluate our service quality.

6.5 We may have changed the privacy agreement and post a new version immediately.We recommend that you read this agreement regularly.To update the latest information forManage your personal information